From: "Chaffin, Sean" To: "Karen Dudnikov" Subject: Letter To Michael Richter date: Thu, 1 May 2003 12:09:05 -0700 Hello Karen and Michael, Michael Richter asked me to respond to your letter he received regarding the removal of items at the request of Major League Baseball. Although the Lanham Act doesn't have a notice and take down procedure, we could be held liable for an injunction under 32(2) B of the Lanham Act. Therefore, we removed the listings when we received a Notice of Infringement from Major League Baseball. If you would like a copy of the Notice we received from Major League Baseball, please provide us with a subpoena. Since you have already filed a lawsuit, your attorney should have no problem providing us with a subpoena. Please let us know if you have any further questions. Sean Supervisor, eBay VeRO Program, Domestic |