VeRO - Verified Rights Owner
eBay began its Verified Rights Owner ("VeRO") program in response to the Digitial Millennium Copyright Act ("DMCA"). The a is a joke: eBay does not "verify" the alleged "rights" and eBay has never (to our knowledge) taken action against a VeRO member who has misused the program. The abuses are many but eBay will not admit it.

The DMCA gives eBay a "safe harbor" for if eBay takes the "sworn" word of the VeRO member and promptly removes the offending auction, eBay cannot be held legally responsible for the alleged infringing material. A VeRO member does not have to specifically why they consider the auction infringing, just generally. It doesn't matter becuse while eBay will readily reveal the seller's information to the VeRO member, the seller must sue eBay to obtain the NOCI or any information concerning the VeRO member.