- On Friday, April 11, 2003, we received a telephone call
from Tammy Vigil
of Fox 31 News (her name is pronounced "vee-hill").
Seems she had been going through the court papers in
Denver and noticed our lawsuit. At first she thought
was MLBP suing us but when she realized we were suing
them, she said she thought there was a great local
interest story there, "a David and Goliath" story. We
agreed to meet her on Sunday for an interview.
- On Sunday, April 15, they
arrived right on schedule at noon.
- Interviews require some background and prepapration. They
disucssed camera shots and
angles with Karen and hashed over what other shots they
wanted for airing. We did not
take pictures during the taping because we didn't
want the flash to mess up their takes.
- They shot a sequence outside as well.
Picture #1 shows them getting the camera in
position. Picture #2 show them
discussing the shot. Picture #3
shows Tammy rehearsing her lines while the camera is put
into final position.
- Fox 31 News attempted to contact MLBP for comment but
MLBP did not return their calls.
- A short "teaser" aired during the 5PM news. During the first
30 minutes of the 9PM news they aired another "teaser"
of about one minute. During the second half of the news
they aired the full piece which ran almost two minutes.
Needless to say, we taped it.
- Fox 31 News sells video tapes of news segments. Details
are available on their web site at
www.Fox31News.com. (This information
is for Bryan Day and Ethan Orlinsky.)