Tabberone is pronounced tab ber won |
The following email was transcribed from the pdf file sent by Darlene Seymour, General Counsel, at Continental Enterprises.
Content has not been altered except to remove information indentifying recipient. |
January 28, 2009 Victim's Name here
Re; Jack Daniel's Properties, Inc. Trademark Infringement Dear Victim's Name; This letter is to inform you that we are closing the file on the above matter. Jack Daniel's (sic) Properties, Inc. (“JDPI”) presumes that you are no longer selling the merchandise in question and that you will not manufacture, distribute, advertise, or sell merchandise that utilizes the intellectual property of JDPI in the future without its express consent. Please be advised that any further use of the JDPI trademarks will result in JDPI seeking statutory and treble damages as permitted by law. Nothing contained in this letter should be construed as an agreement between the parties. JDPI reserves its right to bring an action based upon your infringement in the future. If you have any further questions regarding this matter, please contact my office. Sincerely,
Darlene Seymour |
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